Emergency Service Data Science:
From Beginner to Expert
Learn to use the ACORNS method to build a strong one page case for data-backed recommendations.
Build a Case
You'll learn functions from TRIM() to VLOOKUP(). Even better, you'll combine functions to solve challenging problems.
Essential functions
See how to split data and handle null values to create a wider and more usable data set.
Clean data
You'll join 3 data sets together to add powerful context to your base table.
Learn to use pivot tables to explore data and understand what its telling you.
Create heat-maps and other visualizations to see important patterns.
What You'll Learn
I'll take you from limited, dirty data to a clean analysis that argues for additional personnel at the hardest hit stations.
27 In-depth Steps
Video explanations and and walkthroughs of all the functions and the thinking behind them
Video Explanations
Excel is the most common tool in EMS agencies so we'll leverage it to the fullest. More importantly, you'll learn to think like a data scientist.
>12 Essential Functions
Perform EDA, Univariate and Bivariate analysis and more on real data.
Real Analysis
Joshua Darling
Joshua Darling (JD) has spent a career working in data and as an instructor. He has a passion for emergency services and has worked to apply his skills for his community. He has helped departments large and small use their data to positively shift retention rates, make cases for new equipment and personnel, and change training practices.